The strength of our international network at FOLKS

How FOLKS has helped filmmakers around the world execute their vision and capture our imagination: President Amélie Poitras showcases her five unique FOLKS studios
The strength of our international network at FOLKS.
I have been part of the FOLKS team since its founding in 2012. With a background in management and accounting, my role has evolved from Producer, Executive Producer, Head of the Montreal studio, and finally to President of FOLKS. Over the past few years, our company has grown to be able to take on more ambitious projects, while retaining our culture and the customer service that distinguishes us. Our five studios are unique and complementary, and I am very proud of their respective successes.
Montreal - The Headquarters:
Montreal is the home base of our company, established over twelve years ago. Our studio stands out on the international stage and has a strong client base. Our Department of Creature Design and animation, truly makes us stand out from other companies. Just recently, they are responsible for The Boogeyman, the majestic moose from Yellowjackets and many creatures from the last three seasons of The Umbrella Academy and the upcoming one. Notably, we got an Emmy nomination for the 3rd season of The Umbrella Academy, for Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Single Episode. And we have to mention our Award winning animation short, Le Temple, recognized internationally.
Toronto - Where Major Projects Come to Life:
Our second studio, located in Toronto, has expanded significantly these past six years, carving out a place for itself in the world of major projects. It has notably been recognized for developing state-of-the-art technologies with a selection for the Visual Effects Society Awards in 2022 – Rats crowd duplication for Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosity, a 2023 Emmy nomination for Outstanding Special Visual Effects In A Single Episode for Wednesday. Finally, we have proudly provided visual effects for The Creator and got nominated for the VES awards - outstanding compositing and lighting in a feature. Evidence of our commitment to excellence.
Bogota - Exploring South American Creativity:
Expanding our footprint in South America, our third studio in Bogotá, Colombia, has opened doors to a world of unprecedented artistic talent and creativity. Since opening the studio, we've embarked on several great Latin American projects, as well as Hollywood projects such as 1883, 1983 and The Recruit.
Saguenay - An Alternative Environment for VFX Artists:
Establishing our fourth studio in Saguenay provided a unique advantage for our employees - the opportunity to work in a regional setting while pursuing their passion. For senior artists, it's an alternative environment, a city escape that offers the tranquility of the region —an unprecedented opportunity! And through our partnerships with local institutions such as ATM Jonquière and the Université du Québec in Chicoutimi, we are in a position to recruit and help train new VFX artists on the latest technologies. In addition, Saguenay, just like Montreal, is eligible for the Quebec tax credit.
Mumbai - Increasing Pitch Black Production Capacity:
The most recent addition to our network, FOLKS Mumbai, underscores our commitment to providing clients with the flexibility needed for their projects. Mumbai is a Hub that supports not only all FOLKS studios but also all Pitch Black companies’ locations. Our integrated pipeline facilitates seamless collaboration, allowing us to share work and allocate resources effortlessly across our Pitch Black network of 13 studios. This addition was essential to the growth of our company; with Mumbai's support, we are now able to secure bigger-scale projects.